Liquid Vitamins - More Effective Than Vitamin Pills

Health is wealth, an old saying but what do you do to follow this saying in your life? How about taking vitamin supplements to stay fit? The American Medical Association recommends daily dose of multi-vitamins for better health. Perhaps you already know about it. But any idea how should they be consumed for better results? Vitamins are available in the form of pills and liquid doses. It has now become an accepted rule that liquid forms are better than tablets. It is because tablets contain binders, fillers and preservatives to keep the multi-vitamins together and give them shape and longer shelf life. Binders, fillers and preservatives are doubtlessly good for keeping the multi-vitamins intact and giving them longer shelf life but they are certainly not good for digestion.

Liquid Vitamin

There are several other disadvantages of taking vitamins in pill form. Pills are made very compact in size by the manufacturing companies. Companies tend to pack together as many vitamins as they can but at the same time they aspire to keep the pill size as small as possible. To maintain a balance between these two conditions is definitely a difficult task and so the result too is very complicated, either the pill becomes too heavy or too large making the pill either hard to digest or hard to swallow. Contrary to this liquid forms are easily swallowed and digested. Moreover they also prove beneficial to those who cannot swallow pills easily or find the taste unpalatable.

Liquid Vitamin

Resent researches have also proved that the absorption rate for liquid vitamins is much more than the pills. Liquid vitamins can be homogenized instantly into the blood stream and their average absorption rate is approximately 90 to 98%.The absorption rate for liquid forms is around 98% as compared to 10-20% for the pills. This is possible because liquid vitamins circumvent the digestive process and get absorbed into the blood stream and into the cell. This has a simple scientific reason. Anything that we eat has to be simplified before any kind of absorption of the nutrients present in it can occur. This limits the easy entry of the vitamins in pill form to our blood stream and into the cell. Whereas liquid vitamins are already in their simplified form so they easily enter into our blood stream and into the cell.

Liquid Vitamins - More Effective Than Vitamin Pills
Liquid Vitamin

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